Sl.No Crime Heads 2021 2022 2023 2024 (UP TO MAY)
1 Attempt to commit murder 18 20 14 17
2 CH- Not amounting to Murder 4 2
3 Rape 36 46 19 9
4 Kidnapping & abduction 13 3 11 2
5 Dacoity 2 1 2 3
6 Robbery 17 31 24 10
7 Burglary 67 67 81 38
8 Theft 57 69 82 48
9 Riots 62 71 32
10 Criminal breach of trust 6 3 10 4
11 Cheating 118 140 527 126
12 Counterfeiting 1 1 0 1
13 Arson 15 16 15 6
14 Hurt 444 289 580 281
15 Dowry Deaths(304(B) IPC) 0 1
16 Molestation 98 50 107 43
17 Sexual harassment 16 1 17 6
18 Cruelty by husband or relatives 196 161 198 68
19 Other IPC Crimes 1822 1982 2317 1039
20 murder 12 7 7 2
Total cognizable crimes(IPC cases) 2942 3191 4085 1735
Last updated on July 23, 2024