Kerala police introduced 'Pink Beat' patrols for enhancing the safety for women and children in public places. The Pink Beat includes specially trained women police personnel. These police personnel will patrol on KSRTC and private stage carriers and will be present at bus stops, schools, colleges and other public places.
The Pink Patrol cars have been equipped with GPS tracking devices as well as cameras installed on the front and rear sides of the vehicles. The camera sends continuous visuals to the control room. These patrol vehicle will be led by a women police officer and will have two other women police personnel. The patrol will be deployed in areas that have high presence of women and will function from 8 am to 8 pm.
These personnel not just monitor the insides of the crowded public buses for misuse and hassle, but also look out for anti-social activities at bus stops, schools and other vulnerable areas.
Kozhikode City Vanitha Police station is the first women police station in India, which was inaugurated by then Prime Minister of India Smt Indira Gandhi on 23.10.1973. Once again, the Kerala Police is opening a new chapter in Policing in the State, the Pink Police Patrol Control Room and the Pink Police Patrol Vehicle is indeed the first such attempt with intention to prevent atrocities and crime against the woman and children. At the Ist phase, the above system will be introduced in Thiruvananthpuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode City and will extend the same to other parts of State. It is the primary duty of the State and Police to ensure safety & security of Women & Children. As such, the Government of Kerala and Kerala Police is bound and determined to safe guard women and children from all atrocities.
It is also essential to create feelings in their mind that, they are protected from atrocities. The presence of Women Police Personnel in public places would enhance the confidence of women and would help to strengthen the perception of security in the minds of women. It is fact that, cities and urban environments are growing at an exponential rate, as millions move from rural areas to seek a better life. One of the major concerns for women in urban areas is safety in public spaces. The violence and sexual harassment in public spaces restrict women's freedom of movement, reduce their access to essential services and this would lead negative impact to their health and wellbeing. In these circumstances, in order to avoid atrocities against women and children, new methodology is to be adopted curtail the atrocities against women.